
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2020

the annoying acne

what is acne - Acne is an inflammatory disease, caused by multiple factors, which affects the sebum (oil) producing glands located on the face, back, chest, shoulders, and even the upper arms. -Acne is one of the most frequent pathologies of the skin. It begins at a critical stage of life. -especially affects adolescence and youth, almost 75% of the population between 13 and 18 years old. -It is a more frequent and severe problem in women than in men. -the appearance of visible and significant lesions at an age in which the image and self-esteem are developing -There can be significant emotional and psychological effects on people who suffer from it. -It is a disorder of long evolution and that presents the possibility of leaving permanent sequelae (scars). -acne can become a major health problem due to its impact on the quality of life of patients. Who is more affected by acne, men or women? - It affects both sexes, with a greater predominance in women, although it is more severe in m