the annoying acne

what is acne

-Acne is an inflammatory disease, caused by multiple factors, which

affects the sebum (oil) producing glands located on the face,

back, chest, shoulders, and even the upper arms.

-Acne is one of the most frequent pathologies of the skin.

It begins at a critical stage of life.

-especially affects adolescence and youth, almost 75% of the population between 13 and 18 years old.

-It is a more frequent and severe problem in women than in men.

-the appearance of visible and significant lesions at an age in which the image and self-esteem are developing

-There can be significant emotional and psychological effects on people who suffer from it.

-It is a disorder of long evolution and that presents the possibility of leaving permanent sequelae (scars).

-acne can become a major health problem due to its impact on the quality of life of patients.

Who is more affected by acne, men or women?

-It affects both sexes, with a greater predominance in women, although it is more severe in men.

-In adolescents it affects 90% in men and 79% in women

.Not all teenagers have the same type of acne.

.Acne in adolescents can present different degrees of severity, from some occasional lesions, to others that are very inflamed and extensive.

.The intensity varies depending on the time of year. It is greatest in the fall.

-In adults it affects 3% in men and 12% in women

-They can stay up to 30 or 40 years

teenage boy
mujer adulta
adult woman

Where can acne appear?







-Shoulders and buttocks but it is not usually common, it rarely appears

face map

in the areas that come out and the cause 

-(1,2,) Front, it is the cause of having problems in the digestive system
-(3) In the middle of the eyebrows is a cause of liver problems

-(4.5) Next to the eyes it is a cause of having kidney problems

-(6) In the nose it is the cause of heart problems

-(7.8) Next to the ears it causes kidney problems

- (9,10) Cheeks is a cause of problems in the respiratory system

-(11,12) Chin/chin area, it usually occurs in women and is normal due to hormonal changes and stress

-(13) Chin/chin is caused by the stomach

-(14) Neck, an infection

why do you get them in those areas and how to fight it

-1,2. If you eat a lot of foods in saturated fats

how to fight it

.Take 2 liters of water

.Increase foods such as cereal and wholemeal bread

.Look at your hygiene and pay attention to the area of ​​your fringe (which is always clean) and the use of hats

-3. Because you drink alcohol in excess or have allergies

how to fight it

.Cut down on alcohol, but preferably eliminate it completely

.Cut out heavy (processed) foods, as well as dairy

-4.5. you may be dehydrated

how to fight it

.Drink more water

.Turn down the caffeine

.Get facial massages

-6. something happens to your heart and you may see the pores a little dilated

how to fight it

.Turn down the red meat

.Consume less salt

.You can massage around your nose to improve circulation

.Do aerobic exercise for your heart, if you are not used to it start with something moderate, either walking or jogging

-7.8. something wrong with your kidney

how to fight it

.Drink 2 liters of water every day

.Cut out sodas and caffeine

-9,10. It can be due to smoking, allergies or pollution

how to fight it

.If you smoke, stop smoking.

.Check if you have allergies to any food

.Do breathing exercises to improve your respiratory system. Inhale in 4 seconds, hold 8 seconds and exhale in 2. Repeat 10 times, you will be cleaning your lungs

-11,12. Due to stress or hormonal changes

how to fight it

.Sleep more

.Drink pure water

.Include green leaves such as spinach and lettuce in your diet

.Eat more fruit

.Exercise to reduce stress

13. down the stomach

how to fight it

.Begin to drink more water, fruits, vegetables and fiber which is essential for your digestion and fiber also helps remove toxins from your body

.Take warm water with lemon on an empty stomach

.Dry brush your abdomen every day before bathing

-14. that your hormones are fighting against some disease to prevent you from getting sick

how to fight it


.Drink lots of water

.Take vitamin C to strengthen your immune system

These are some examples of how your face looks

.It is not good to put on make-up but if you wanted to put on make-up, here is a video on how to put on make-up

Aquí os dejo el enlace para ver el vídeo
